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IARS Individual Membership

International Association of Research Scholars (IARS) offers individual memberships in different classes suiting to needs and levels of different researchers. All IARS members get the following benefits in common:

  • International and respectable identification for researchers’ profiles
  • Scholarships for manuscript publishing in IARS’ Journals and Editorials
  • Scholarships for attending IARS International Conferences
  • Recognition for every contribution towards IARS activities
  • Fair pathway to promotion to higher grade memberships
  • Exposure to International research Community
  • Free updates about latest research

IARS Research Scholar Membership

IARS Student Membership (StMIARS) IARS Scholar Membership (ScMIARS)
$19.99 $19.99

Open for Students of Graduation/Post-graduation
Recognized as ‘Young Researcher’

Eligibility: Students of UG/PG/Research Programs of recognized University/Institution

Recognition: Certificate of Recognition” as “IARS' Young Researcher

Description: The Student Members of International Association of Research Scholars (StMIARS) are young scholars inclined towards Research Activities and Research Transformation activities as one of their career choice that make them stand out-of-general-crowd of scholars like a Young Intellect showing a out-of-box approach towards their career. IARS helps scholars with special training, internships, workshops, experiments, and other learning activities to mature their ideas towards better employability and capacity building.

Open for Graduates
Recognized as ‘IARS' Scholar’

Eligibility: Graduates with recognizable research interest in terms of research publications.

Recognition: Certificate of Recognition” as “IARS' Scholar Member

Description: The Scholar Members of International Association of Research Scholars (ScMIARS) are like minded people who are agree to support the Association in its efforts towards its defined objectives, vision, and mission. The Scholar Members of International Association of Research Scholars stay updated with the activities and initiatives of the association and supports the Association to spread awareness and unite communities to common directions for Global Research Transformation.

IARS Individual Membership Levels

IARS Associate Member (AMIARS) IARS Full Member (MIARS) IARS Senior Member (SMIARS)
$49.99 $99.99 $149.99

Open for Graduates
Recognized as ‘Research Savvy’

Graduates of recognized University/Institution

Certificate of Recognition” as “IARS' Research Savvy

Open for Post Graduates
Recognized as ‘Research Scholars’

Postgraduates of recognized University/Institution with 03 years of continuous AMIARS Membership

Certificate of Recognition” as “IARS' Research Scholars

Open for Post Graduate MIARS
Recognized as ‘Senior Research Scholars’

Postgraduates with Research Experience/Achievements and 03 years of continuous MIARS Membership

Certificate of Recognition” as “IARS' Senior Research Scholars