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International Association of Research Scholars (IARS) writes and impose following terms and conditions on behalf of IARS, its all projects/sister concerns, and associates, collectively termed as ‘IARS’ in below context. The below mentioned terms and conditions apply to and deemed accepted by:

  • All users of websites, products, and services of ‘IARS’.
  • All registrants/participants of conferences, summits, exhibitions, and any other events organized/co-organized/sponsored/supported by ‘IARS’.
  • All authors/researchers/sponsors/members/associates/beneficiaries/advisors/ individuals associated with ‘IARS’ or interested/using any or its services/products in any form(s).

Statement of Terms and Conditions

  • ‘IARS’ is committed to data privacy and fair use for intended purpose only.
  • The contact details of participants in any event organized/co-organized/sponsored/supported by ‘IARS’ can be used for sending information and updates about similar events or products or services by ‘IASR’ or its partners or sponsors.
  • ‘IARS’ uses the personal data provided by individuals in this registration for administering their participation in the event(s). This may include information about the event’s content, logistics, payment, updates, and additional information related to the event(s).
  • ‘IARS’ may share the provided personal data to third parties engaged with/by ‘IARS’ to assist in any event/project/product/services or to assist in meeting defined objectives of ‘IARS’.
  • Any information about or invitation to register/participate in any events of ‘IARS’, it is deemed that the registrant or the participant is free and authorized for the same. The registrant or participant or user or beneficiary of any event of ‘IARS’ releases ‘IARS’ any liability or risks and covenant not to set responsible ‘IARS’ or its member(s) or Associate(s) or Partner(s) or Promoter(s) or Agent(s) or other related individuals or groups for any expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, disability, property damage, or property theft or actions of any kind that the registrant/participant may hereafter suffer or sustain before, during, or after the event.
  • The views expressed by any event attendee, speaker, writers, exhibitor, presents, or sponsor are not necessarily those of ‘IARS’. All event attendee, speaker, writers, exhibitor, presents, and sponsor are solely responsible for the content of all individual or group or corporation presentations, marketing collateral, and/or advertising.
  • Content of any talk(s) or speak(s) or presentation(s) or write up(s) or white paper(s) submitted or presented in any event of ‘IARS’ can be published or utilized by ‘IARS’ with appropriate credits/citation to the author(s)/presenter(s) in any editorial published/supported by ‘IARS’ in sole discretion of ‘IARS’. References or bibliography or profile(s) of respective author(s) or presenter(s) or representative(s) can be used for information of event participants or any other purpose of current or future events or projects.
  • Videos, Pictures, Clips, and/or recordings of any ‘IARS’ event or project can be used by ‘IARS’ and in sole discretion of ‘IARS’.
  • With provided information, visitors to the event website, including event attendees and speakers, may also be using the provided contact information to connect with individuals or groups with questions and requests for more information, and to provide feedback if needed.
  • Appropriate ID Proofs may be sought from participants if need to prove the eligibility of participation in any event of project of ‘IARS’ failing to provide the same in stipulated time may lead to denial of participation in the event or the project in sole discretion of ‘IARS’.
  • This is completely prohibited to record whole or part of any event of ‘IARS’ in still photographs, videos, clips, or any other form without consent and permission of ‘IARS’. Disciplinary/Regulatory/Legal actions may be initiated against defaulters.
  • Nondiscrimination Policy: ‘IARS’ prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment against any individual or group or community for any reasons or basis of colour or religion or region or race or political status or interest or affiliations or any other characteristic(s). Under any circumstance, if one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining conditions will continue to be valid and applicable.
  • General Freedom Policy: ‘IARS’ presumes its complete freedom to amend, change, add, delete, modify, and/or remove whole or any part of the above terms and conditions on its sole discretion without prior notice and any beneficiary or user.