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IARS Patent Projects

IARS Patent Support International Association of Research Scholars (IARS) has been supporting research and innovation across globe and it cares about intellectual properties (IP) of its research groups. At different moments, IARS provides significant supports to innovators in maturing their research ideas into patentable projects and help them in developing and registering their research outcome with regional IP agencies to protect their rights.

Innovators can approach IARS with minor details of their innovations or research ideas to seek expert advice and support to develop the project into a patent worthy outcome. IARS also provides expert support in registration of the IP with regional agencies. With expert advice of IARS, researchers can endorse the quality and worth of the project and evolve it into a life-time earning asset for the team.

IARS Patent Support Service

IARS Patent Projects

Completed Projects

Following are the projects successfully completed by research teams under the expert support of IARS Patent Support Group.

IARS-Registered-Patent Title: Software Quick Development and Retirement Management System (SQDRMS)
Description: A System and Method to Detect Retirement, Repair, and Maintenance of a Computer Program Based Product
Country: India
Focus Industry: Software Development, Software Project Management
File/Publication Year: 2016


Projects in progress

Following are the projects proposed to IARS for further grooming and team formation. Researchers from related fields can submit their statement of interest if they want to be a part of the Patent Team in any of these projects and gain the benefits of being titled as "Innovator" or "Inventor" of the IP outcome. For more details, please write to IARS by using the contact form on this page.

IARS-Patent-Proposal Title: Software Iterative Retirement Management System (SIRMS)
Description: A System and Method to Plan Iterative Retirement, Repair, and Maintenance of a Computer Program Based Product
Focus Industry: Software Development, Software Project Management
Target Year: 2018
Vacancies: 02 research team members whose name would be registered as 'Inventor' in the project.